Sunday, July 01, 2007

Swimming and Hiking

The last couple of weeks Nicholas and Andrew have been taking swimming lessons. Their teacher Melissa is the daughter of a family in our ward who taught them in her parents back yard pool. The boys responded well to her and had lots of fun. Nicholas enjoys the freestyle (ice cream scoops) stroke best and Andrew just took off with a natural flare to the butterfly (dolphin tail, bird wings) stroke.

Boys being boys. Dad Foutz is building a fairly large workshop in his backyard. The dirt pile from digging the hole is still there and attracts little boys like bees to honey. Here they are playing in the mud.

Saturday morning the boys and I drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Silver Lake and enjoyed walking around the boardwalk, climbing around the mountain and enjoying the wildlife and beautiful scenery.

Can you see the Mickey Mouse Ears?

Nicholas' Feet

Beaver Dam

pictures of the beautiful wildflowers. Of course being a girl, I had to take

1 comment:

happy mom said...

that is so great that they are doing so well at swimming lessons and it must be nice to have one on one teaching. Silver lake is beautiful you have told me about it but the pictures just make me want to go there, maybe after my kids have swimming lessons and I don't have to worry about them jumping in! dirt and kids, it is a perfect match. I am glad you are keeping up with the blog, it is nice to hear what is happening.