Monday, February 18, 2008


Nicholas has lost yet another tooth. This is number 6 for my crazy 8 year old and the second one to be pulled out by mom with a piece of floss. That floss technique sure works well and there isn't really any pain involved. Just give a quick tug and out it comes. Way to go Nicholas! Keep smiling!

I'm not sure when this tooth first appeared, but today was the first day it was noticed. Here Andrew is showing off his very first shark tooth. He is so excited to show it off to his friends at school. It may not be his first adult tooth but it is the most important (as far as Andrew is concerned anyway). Hopefully it will move forward soon and push that baby tooth right out of the way.

1 comment:

happy mom said...

well, you and Nicholas are the pros, and I am with you in the hopes that Andrews tooth moves.