Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Fatality? Almost

Some of you may know and some of you may not know that we have a pet fish. He is a fancy goldfish and his name is Nemo, go figure. I bought him for the boys on January 6, 2004, and since that time Nemo has surrvived many close calls. But today has to be the closest of all. Today at Nicholas' elementary school it was pet show-and-tell day. So being the wonderfulest mother that I am, I brought Nemo to school. He was an absolute hit. He didn't bark and everyone could see him because he wasn't hidden in a cage like all of the cats. All of the kids gathered around him and thought he was so cool. Well the bell was about to ring and everyone was getting in their last ohh and ahh. The bell rang and one of Nicholas' classmates swung her leg around and crash went Nemo's bowl and water and fish rocks were everywhere. Nicholas and Andrew were totally freaked out thinking their pet had finally been done in, but thanks to the quick reflexes of Nicholas' teacher, Mrs. Thomas, Nemo was scooped up and whisked into the classroom into a fresh cup of water. Nemo is now swimming in a juice pitcher until the time we can get to the pet store and find him a new home. He seems to be doing very well and thanks to an extremely good constitution he has surrvived yet another close call.
P.S. the picture above isn't actually Nemo but the closest I could find online.


Raenie said...

That is too funny. In my mind I can hear the cries of utter devestation from Nicholas and Andrew now! Whew, lucky little Nemo. I'm impressed that you remember the exact date that you got him. Do you celebrate his birthday?

Anonymous said...

Glad Nemo Survived. Boys look quite handsome. Hope to see them again in person this week when we get back from the Grand Canyon.

Jacob said...

Glad everyone, to include Nemo, is doing fine. Keep up the swimming boys. A totally awesome recreation and sport.