Sunday, May 07, 2006

Saturday at the park and Blueberry muffins

Saturday morning the boys had swim lessons. We decided to walk since it was such a beautiful day and the park center is very close by. On our way we walked by the Little Cottonwood creek where we saw a mother duck and her 16 baby ducklings. Wow what would the grocery bill be for a family like that. The ducklings were so little and cute. After swimming lessons we stayed and played at the park and were able to witness a wedding at the gazebo. The colors were a beautiful shade of light purple. We then got to play with a little ladybug and the boys enjoyed many underdogs provided by mom on the swings. Later in the evening we took dinner over to Grandma and Grandpa Foutz's and were able to see a little bird nest in the tree in their backyard. We are so thankful for all of the beautiful creations that Christ has made for us to enjoy.

This morning Andrew said something so cute. I bought the boys some new shampoo which is blueberry scented. They got it out and were using it in their bath this morning. Andrew asked Nicholas what he thought the new scent was. Nicholas said that it was blueberry and Andrew added "yes, blueberry muffins. I'm in heaven!" I guess you probably had to be there, but it was so cute how he said it. Hope you all are having a good sunday.


Anonymous said...

Just think, 16 roast ducks would feed a family for quite some time, speaking of grocery bills. But, as I have never eaten roast duck I don't know if I would like it--Think I'll stick with the blueberry muffins.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashton Clan! Way to be observant at the park, we love to hang out at the park too! We miss you guys!

Jacob said...

Sounds like everyone is doing great. Now if it were bannana nut muffins or even poppy seed.. than I would be in heavan! Keep up the posting.

Anonymous said...

Fun Day! I will fill in for Amanda and say that the light shade of purple was a lilac or lavender. :) Keep the posts and stories coming.