Monday, September 03, 2007

Airplanes & The Itch Tree

Today, being Labor Day, we decided to have some fun and relaxation. After being lazy for several hours messing around and playing video games, we headed over to the park to fly some airplanes. I found these at a craft store for a buck. So you know the saying, "You get what you pay for." Anyway even though they weren't the best of flyer's, the boys had fun and the planes have actually held up quite well.

Here is Andrew showing off his cool plane.

Here is Nicholas with his plane. If you didn't notice before, their planes match their clothes. That was totally coincidence, but cool nonetheless.

Here is Andrew getting ready for a really good launch.

Nicholas trying to get the hang of this rubber band thing.

Wow, what a landing. I hope there were some survivers.


There is actually a bird on this tree that we followed around for a while trying to get a good pic. We just couldn't quite get close enough. If you click on the picture it may enlarge so you can actually see the bird.

This is the "Itch Tree" over by the elementary school where the boys attend.

These are the "Itch Bombs" that grow on the "Itch Tree"

When you throw the "Itch Bombs" on the ground and stomp on them, the "Itch Powder" comes out. If you get the "Itch Powder" on your skin, you will ITCH.

After all of the "Itch Powder" has come off of the "Itch Bomb" all you have left is the "Itch Seed"


Raenie said...

Come on Mijken, I know you know the name of that bird!

happy mom said...

I don't know the name of that bird, but that is cool and I could see it in the photo.

what's with the itch tree? I need some story line here.

the airplanes are great, and so cool that they matched unplanned and all.

Mijken said...

I'm not really sure what the story is with the "Itch Tree" other than the boys made it up. Something fun that little boys like to do. Using their creative imagination. They like to climb the fence and try to pull off the "bombs" which are fun to smash and then chase each other with the "Itch Powder" Just one of those crazy boy things.

Mijken said...

Sorry Raenie, That was way back in the 6th grade. My memory is a little fuzzy that far back. Remember I am an old woman now.

Anonymous said...

It's a Downey Woodpecker.