Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

This is our neighbor's cat. I'm not sure if it is a male or female or what it's name is, but as you can see one of our family members has adopted it as his own.

Andrew and "his" cat. He begs me to get him a cat but I'm just fine with him hanging out with the neighbor's cat.

Here they are again

Last Monday we had FHE at mom and dad's. After it was over dad gave in to the begging of the grandson's and took them all out for a ride in the 'ol '46 Chevy. As you can see they had lots of fun.

Grandpa and Caleb in the cab.

Our neighbor Kaleel with the neighborhood cat. They both are so cute I had to take a picture. Kaleel is 5 and he and Andrew usually play well together.

Here is crazy Nicholas goofing around.

Here I am with my friends Heather and Barbara. Yes I actually have friends. Yipee! Hooray! We serve in the Primary Presidency together. We are all single and go on an outing every month. Here we are in Park City at the shoppe "Christmas on Main". We ate dinner at a pizza and pasta place, bought chocolate at "The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory" then to the Christmas shoppe. We had a great time and are looking forward to our next outing. Stay tuned...


Raenie said...

Cute pictures! Andrew looks so cute with that kitty cat. I love the pictures of the boys in the back of the truck! What fun. Sounds like you had such a great time in PC. I didn't realize that all three of you in the Primary are single. Rocky Mountain Chocolates huh? We have Shenandoah Valley Fine Chocolates here. I wonder if they are as good?

happy mom said...

Oh that is sweet that they love the neighbors cat, nice for you! that is what I need to get to know a neighbor with a special animal just for my kids to love, so I never have to buy any pets!

fun in PC, I will be going shopping soon there, brian and I have an annual trip there every year, and that is the only time I go, I think I may need to make it semiannual! I will have to plan that!

you look great!